Our history
The Origins: the Ranieri brothers, Dante and Bruno
Rainieri is the story of two brothers: Dante, born 1921 and Bruno, born 1933. Both studied at the Institute of Cremona, and went on to become experts specialised in industrial electrotechnical engineering. During the war, Dante became a lieutenant and, after being taken prisoner, was deported to Germany. On returning to Italy, he developed one of the first artisan firms specialising in designing and installing electrical systems in the Parma region. Dante was later joined by his brother Bruno, who followed in his footsteps in his studies and military career. Bruno worked alongside his brother, and pursued a teaching career in schools in Fidenza. In 1973, Bruno converted his military rank to Volunteer Fire Department Officer and left school, consolidating his work in the family business. On 13 November 1979, he was in the squad that responded to the fire that broke out in the Cattanti Pavilion of Parma Hospital. In so doing, he experienced a turning point at the dawn of fire safety in general, and in healthcare facilities in particular.

Studio Tecnico Rainieiri is established
Studio Tecnico Rainieri was established in 1981 out of the merger of two companies: Dante’s firm, which specialised in electrical and automation systems, and the business run by Bruno, an expert in electrical safety as a result of his work as an officer of the Fire Department. As a result, they began to explore electrical safety in the field of fire prevention or special circumstances.
Bruno became a member of the 31st Technical Committee of the Italian Electrotechnical Committee (CEI). His extensive experience meant he was soon providing his contribution to the Italian regulatory system, which at the time was still in its fledgling stages. His input meant the standards implemented continue to be a benchmark in fire prevention regulations.
Bruno began to realise that safety was not a secondary consideration in designing electrical systems, but that it was in fact fundamental. This led to him becoming closely involved with all things safety-related, particularly the design of fuel distribution systems.
Bruno Rainieri accordingly became the designer of choice for major Italian oil companies. The combination of Bruno’s design insight and Dante’s production skills ultimately led to the development of exclusive know-how, and Italy-wide leadership in the field.
Bruno, who had very strong ties with the Parma area, decided to ensure his company remained open for business. To this day, over 2,000 certificationsin the company archives bear witness to the company’s history, and how the Rainieri business has evolved.
In 1982,the fire at Turin’s Cinema Statuto, leading to 82 deaths, marked the start of Italy’s fire prevention regulations. Bruno’s expertise, garnered in his work as a Volunteer Officer of the Fire Brigade, made him a crucial consultant in fire prevention.
The head offices, which were located in the historical one-time convent of the Orsoline nuns in Fidenza, moved to Via Martiri delle Carzole, its current premises. Over time, the company continued to grow and remain a reference point in fire design and prevention, in line with current fire safety regulations.

Studio Associato Bruno and Michele
The firm continued to grow and in 1989, Bruno’s son Michele joined the firm. After finishing school (just like his father and uncle) he consolidated his experience by doing his military service in the National Fire Brigade Corps. At the end of his service, it seemed only natural to join the firm and bring all the strength of technological innovations (they were the years of the emergence of IT) to the profession.
Under Michele’s leadership, the company focused its resources exclusively on fire prevention, transforming itself into a single-sector company before branching into the healthcare field, and becoming the first choice for the design of safe hospitals.
With Dante’s retirement in 2008 and Bruno’s passing in 2012, Michele assumed full leadership, expanding the firm with new premises in Italy and strengthening it with young professionals. In addition, Michele gained significant experience in business management and contributed towards evolving national fire regulations.
Michele also acquired considerable corporate management experience at the top of important public companies, expertly leading them to become regional and national reference points. The firm has always kept up-to-date with evolving standards, combining technical knowledge with its experience in the field.
Growth remained steady as Michele grew the firm, turning it into a consolidated company. In so doing he combined it with other new ventures that complemented the range of services, such as training in companies and for new professionals in the field, as well as supplying materials and technologies.
Michele’s experience also became a resource for the Italian regulatory system and, like his father before him, he was asked to go to Rome to draft the latest changes to the ever more complex Fire Protection Regulations, which were increasingly tailored to the needs of Italy’s industries.