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Chief Executive Officer

Michele Rainieri
CEO & Owner

From an early age, he developed a passion for finding safety solutions for electrical systems in his father Bruno and uncle Dante’s technical office, which, if badly designed, can have serious consequences such as accidents, loss of life and damage to premises.

His studies were furthered when he earned his Industrial Technician’s diploma, followed up with practical experience in the Fire Department, before going on to specialise as a Senior Fire Security Engineer.

 Today, he holds a leading role in Italy’s fire prevention and safety scenario, and contributes towards the regulatory development of the sector.

He specialises in many of the industrial and service sectors, especially in large hospital facilities, major chemical and glass companies, corporate retail and protecting historical monuments and buildings.

Our Team

Highly qualified professionals

Highly qualified professionals form the backbone of the firm. For a number of years now, they have overseen specialisation needs. They deliver a degree of experience which allows more complex projects to be handled, ensuring the right level of attention and professionalism are delivered at all times. 

Projects each year

Senior Project Manager

The Business Unit

The Project Managers that lead the staff and projects for the four Business Units are:

  • Giorgio Valesi: Electrical installations
  • Giuliano Rosi: West Emilia local area
  • Jessica Vulcano: Health Care Department – National healthcare facilities
  • Davide Ferri: Major Projects Department – Industry and Retail
Giorgio Varesi responsabile Settore impianti Elettrici in Rainieri Antincedio

Giorgio Valesi

Electrical installations
Business Unity Rainieri Fidenza Antincendio 3

Giuliano Rosi

West Emilia local area
Jessica Vulcano responsabile settore Health Care in Rainieri Antincedio

Jessica Vulcano

Health Care Department – National healthcare facilities
Davide Ferri responsabile settore grandi prodotti in Rainieri Antincedio

Davide Ferri

Major Projects Department – Industry and Retail.

We collaborate with the best experts in the field

Our Partner
  • IT Sicurezza

    Servizi e sicurezza per le imprese
  • Rizzardi S.r.l.

    Consulenza per la sicurezza nelle aziende
  • Studio Creviari Alberto

    Sicurezza sul lavoro: consulenza e formazione